Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Eddie's Bike!

Thanks to generous donations from a number of past volunteers, we've been able to get our translator extroardinaire Eduardo a new bike to use to get around between all of the projects!

We gave Eddie the bike the day before his birthday and we wish you all could have been here to see the massive grin that came over his face when we snuck him into the bike shop! Now it will be so much easier for Eduardo to get around between the projects and back home to his lovely family lickity split.

Thanks so much to those of you who reached out to help make this possible for Eddie.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Hello All!

We're so excited to be launching our very own blog here in Mozambique to keep you all updated on the projects, your donations, and all the goings on in Vilanculos.

We'll be updating the site as much as we can and it's the best way for us to stay in touch with past volunteers, new volunteers, and people that are interested in learning more about the projects.

We're quite new at all this new darn-fangled technology stuff (ok... well maybe blogging isn't that new) but please bear with us as we start getting it under our belts. If there's ever anything specific you'd like to hear about such as one of the little ones from preschool or a donation, please comment away and we'll post back as soon as we can.

All our love from Moz and until next time,